Apply to Join the Media Fields Editorial Collective

Call for Editorial Collective Members and a Web Designer, Media Fields Journal:
Media Fields Journal is seeking to expand its editorial collective in an effort to collaborate and evolve with graduate students across the University of California, to cultivate the cross-disciplinarity and multi-mediality at the heart of our mission statement. ( )
Media Fields Journal was launched by graduate students in UCSB’s Film and Media Studies Department in Winter 2010 and has been met with much enthusiasm. The journal emerged out of a research initiative to think in new ways about relations among media forms, space, and practices of knowledge production.
Our production schedule is currently in place to produce three issues online per year. We have recently published an issue titled PLAYGROUNDS which explores a range of “video games” and its relationship to space. We also have forthcoming issues, in varying stages, which include SPACES of PROTEST and DIGITAL DISTRIBUTION. Members of the editorial collective take turns co-editing themed issues of their own design. Members also help manage online content, manage funds, copy-edit, and evaluate submissions. Our hope is to develop the skills it takes to sustain an academic journal.
We are currently seeking new members to our editorial collective and also are looking for someone with a background or interest in web design.
Please send us an expression of interest, indicating why you’d like to join the editorial collective and a statement about your research interests, along with a copy of your CV. We very much look forward to welcoming new graduate students who complement our current scholarly and creative strengths and will help lead the journal in new directions.
Please send all applications or inquiries to All applications should be submitted by Oct. 20, 2014.
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