Media Fields 2017

Screening: The Overnighters (dir. Jesse Moss, 2014)
7:00 PM – Pollock Theater at UCSB
Featuring a Q&A with director Jesse Moss
Free of charge, reservations required to guarantee a seat. For ticketing and reservation information, please visit the website of the Carsey-Wolf Center.
NOTE: This event is open to the public, and serves as a satellite to the main conference. Conference participants are welcome and encouraged to attend if their travel plans allow.
1:00-2:30 PM
Registration: SSMS 2302 (The Commons)
2:30-2:40 PM
Welcoming remarks (SSMS 2135)
2:40-3:55 PM
PANEL 1: Capital, Obsolescence, Decay (SSMS 2135)
Allison Schifani (University of Miami):
“Digital Ruins and the Mediation of Decay: Cleveland’s Urbanmutation”
Patrick Brodie (Concordia University):
“Seeing Ghosts: Media Infrastructures and Built Space in Post-Crisis Ireland”
Steve Secular (UC Santa Barbara)
“Media Obsolescence, Public Money, And the Evolution of ‘High-Tech’ Sports Arenas”
Respondent: Dr. Charles Acland (Concordia University)
Mellichamp Opening Keynote Address (SSMS 2135):
Dr. Marwan Kraidy – Anthony Shadid Chair of Global Media, Politics, and Culture and Professor of Communication, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
6:00 PM: Presenters are invited to join Film & Media Studies faculty and graduate students at our prospective student recruitment dinner. Location to be announced on-site.
9:00-10:00 AM (McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020)
Registration and Breakfast
PANEL 2: Reconstructed Histories (McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020)
Christina Belcher (University of Southern California):
“Ben Shahn, the Farm Security Administration Photography Unit, and Rural America in Ruins”
Jake Bohrod (University of Southern California):
“the Arc/k Project: Photogrammetry, Visual History, and Virtual Ruin(s)”
Pragya Paramita Ghosh (Jawaharlal Nehru University):
“Havelis in Bombay Cinema: Re-selling the Past and its Desires”
Respondent: Rachel Fabian (UCSB)
11:30-12:45 PM
PANEL 3: Toxic Mediations (McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020)
Max Suechting (Stanford University):
“Another Green World: Transmedia Ruins in Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing”
Weixian Pan (Concordia University):
“The Mediated Life of Bottled Air: Registering the Affective and Geopolitical Atmosphere”
Jonathan Doucette (University of California, Davis):
“Ruinous Frequencies: Media Sensibilities in Todd Haynes’ SAFE”
Respondent: Lisa Han (UC Santa Barbara)
12:45-2:00 PM
2:00-3:15 PM
PANEL 4: Dead Ends (McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020)
Saul Kutnicki (Indiana University, Bloomington):
“New Material/New Decay in the History of Film (1930-1950): ‘Would Acetate Wait?’”
Jeremy Moore (University of California, Santa Barbara):
“Playing with Television History: Media Convergence, Interactivity, and the VCR Game”
Shane Denson (Stanford University):
“Post-Cinematic Artifacts: Digital Glitch and the Ruins of Perception”
Respondent: Juan Llamas-Rodriguez (UCSB)
3:15-3:30 PM
3:30-5:00 PM
Closing Keynote (McCune Conference Room, HSSB 6020):
Dr. Rahul Mukherjee (Dick Wolf Assistant Professor of Television and New Media Studies, University of Pennsylvania)
6:00 PM
Reception at The Good Bar in the Goodland Hotel, Goleta
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